I have a blog called “The Vintage Inn” and it’s been my hobby since 2012. It’s not really something I take too serious but it’s fun to have and I enjoy sharing my passion with like-minded readers.
My current blogging strategy involves posting content once a week that my readers will enjoy (twice if I find the time), sharing to social media, friending other bloggers who help spread the word and of course SEOing (Search Engine Optimization) everything (images, website etc). I don’t do to much outside of this and over the last 6 years I have slowly seen my blog viewership rise (around 130% per year). These are some pretty good stats but one day I got to thinking, “how do I make them even better”? Blog stats review time!

The Results: Search Engines (Organic Search) is my number one referrer but I’m not surprised by this stat, I do SEO EVERYTHING remember? Now the big shocker, coming in at a #2 but not that far behind Search Engines was Pinterest. Really? The site where I just dump everything I want to look at later or adore, is a big referrer to my blog? Hmmmmm, very interesting. Maybe I should give this platform some serious marketing thought….


Let me explain.
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
Wait a minute! Stop the presses! Pinterest is actually A SEARCH ENGINE? Why have I not thought of this before?

IThis discovery was my glass shattering moment (more then anything else stated above) and where I realized that I needed to devote more time to Pinterest Marketing. And readers, if your planning to use Pinterest for your blog or business you need to start thinking this way as well.

After 3 months here are the results my new and approved Pinterest profile achieved:

*Jan 1st-March 1st, 2018: 1,366 Referrers from Pinterest

*March 2nd-June 2nd, 2018: 2,790 Referrers from Pinterest. 204% INCREASE in just 3 months! 

*Jan 1st-March 15th, 2019: 3,791 Referrers from Pinterest. 121.57% Increase compared to same time period in 2018.

*March 2nd-June 2nd: 16,645 avg daily impressions on Pinterest. This number is up by a whopping 2,114.28%

*March 2019: I have now reached 1.1 Million Monthly Viewers, 51.5K Monthly Engaged (Since Jan 1st, 2019 that is 147.46% Increase in Viewers)


*October 2022 Update: From 2020 to now my Pinterest has seen up’s and down’s in it’s stats (and this is completely normal for the platform). I am currently back up to 1.1 Million Monthly Views, 34.7K Monthly Engaged. PLUS..One of my idea pins has seen 39.8K times, and saved by 184 users (for a very niche video seen HERE).

*In 2017 I was number 41 on the list of Top 100 Vintage Bloggers to Follow. But since March 2nd when I started overhauling my Pinterest Marketing strategy, I am now 21 out of 100 and growing!!


Would you like the same? Here is some tips I used to rock Pinterest:


You cannot just pin once and disappear for the 5 months and hope that your one pin would of made it around the Pinterest world. Not going to happen. Pinterest wants to see you active and using their platform, so they reward those who pin several times a day.

Pinterest will continue to grow over time as Pinners discover and save your Pins. Publishing consistently over consecutive months is the best way to build a dedicated audience.


When I was doing my own Pinterest thing and just pinning as I felt, I did notice that my repins and likes (at that time when you could like a pin) were really low or sometimes non-existent. But I just thought it was because people were not interested in what I was sharing. It was not until I overhauled my Pinterest page that I realized it was because I was pinning at all the wrongs times.

Most pinners, pin in the afternoon or late in the evening (11:00pm is a popular time) and I was pinning at 7am, 9:25am etc. and seeing little to no results. This is clearly not going to help me get found. So, what do I do? I don’t have time to pin at 11pm at night but I want pinners to find me. Enter Tailwind.

Tailwind is your Pinterest marketing life saving tool! It allows you to create pins and it then schedules the best times for your pins to go live on Pinterest so they have the best chance of being seen. You can schedule pins for weeks and weeks on end, so no more guess work or stress to try and fill up boards when your busy.  It’s so easy, I almost cried because I could not believe that I had not found this sooner. Plus it’s super affordable and anyone, even those with a small budget can use the tool.

Signup for a FREE 30 DAY TRIAL by clicking on the image below (please note that this is an affiliate link, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase)


This is another big one. Pinterest is a search engine and search engines like when you SEO your content. What kinds of words do your customers and prospects type into a search engine to find you? Make a list of those keywords and use them on your:

  • Profile
  • Boards
  • Image description

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Tip: Type into the Search Bar on Pinterest your keyword and you will see other suggestions on what pinners are looking for.


You need Images that stand out, grab attention AND are the proper sizing that Pinterest likes (think Vertical).

My tool of choice to create Pinterest pins that stand out is Canva. It’s a FREE tool (unless you want to upgrade to a paid plan to get more out of this website) and super easy to use. And it takes the guess work out of Vertical Pin sizing for the platform.

Here is an example of a pin I created for my Vintage Inn Blog. All I did was upload the image I wanted to insert into the layout they had created already and changed the text to fit my blog post and then saved it. THAT EASY!


Think like a pinner. What are people looking for on the platform (remember that Keyword trick above? Use that to see what people are searching for). Now this is the content that you should be adding to the your boards or repinning from others.

BUT! I’m going to break from the norm of what you might of read on other blogs. Don’t pin content that has nothing to do with your brand just to drive eyeballs to your page/website. 9 times out of 10 they are NOT going to lead to sales or leads because that was not what the pinner was looking for. Oh yes maybe you might get lucky and that person who found your pin on St. Paddy’s decorations might want to buy something from your swimsuit line, but I’m going to safely say that this is a long shot.

Your Pinterest Profile, is a reflection of your brand so you want to make sure that when potential customers visit your profile that it looks professional and not like a random collage board.


Add the pin it button to your website (it’s super easy to do) and have a blog! A blog is the perfect pin and creates so many other perfect pins from it’s content.


You will never improve or know what is working if you don’t track your results. Track them on Google Analytics as it will give you superb insight on how you are doing (way better than the Pinterest Analytics Page).

Note: You may see some huge results in the first week or 2 and that is great, but please note that real traction takes time and Pinterest is a long game not a short game. Be prepared to see up’s and down’s in your stats and make notes if the changes are very drastic and worth reviewing.

My final point is that if a niche blog like mine can see amazing results, then yours can too.


I know that everything I stated above seems super daunting and there is just no way you can do it all. Well don’t worry, help is here! Not only am a vintage blogger but I also run my own Pinterest Account Management business called ‘Killer Diller Social‘ for small businesses to succeed like I did on this platform. I am available to help you:

  • Get started with Pinterest
  • Clean-up a Pinterest page
  • Create a Pinterest strategy (or do an audit)
  • Consulting meeting
  • Create images/pins for you

Drop me a line today to start gaining leads with Pinterest!

About Elizabeth of Killer Diller Social

With over 18 years of experience in blogging, social media/community management, B2B marketing & online community management, I will be the first person to say that I truly live and breathe social media. And just like you I stumbled around in the dark for a long time trying to figure out how to make Pinterest work for my blog, the VINTAGEINN.CA.

However it was not until I sat down and really took everything that I knew about marketing (especially SEO) and applied it the Pinterest rule book (and yes there are rules), that I started to see results. Results so good that I decided to make Pinterest Marketing my full time career.

Launched in 2019, I have helped small & medium sized businesses and bloggers navigate the up’s and down’s of Pinterest. Working with them to build online profiles thru organic marketing (and paid), that will help them to get found for years and years to come.

Let’s talk to discuss how I can help your business!



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